The text under the photo is as follows:
The Splinter School is located south of Zanesville and these are the pupils of 1895.
The Splinter School is located south of Zanesville and these are the pupils of 1895.
From Left to right stand back row: Cora Smuts, Joe Seamon, Miss Margaret Prough (Teacher), Sylvester Ward, Bertha Zion, Dee Sonner
Second row: Elvy Zion, Jessie Wirts, Etta Smith, Elma Zion, Dale Beaty, Sanford Zion (deceased), Peter Sink, Maude Seamon
First Row: Verna Sonner, Jennie Smuts, Dessie Seamon, Hazel Patten, Frank Smith, Frank Prough, Clinton Prough, Glenn Patten, Leo Newhouse, Grover Patten
This Photo is the property of Grover Patten, Rural Route2, Ossian, Indiana
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