I love it when I run across an unusual name. The James, Williams, and Johns hide all their
clues among thousands of other James, Williams and Johns in the databases. But when you have a name like Darcas which is also sometime spelled Dorcus you tend
to stick out more! So this week I was
researching Darcus Smith.
I was looking at her because Joseph and Mary Ann (Best) Smith
had a daughter named Darcus. (the Joseph who we now know is connected to our
James Smith through DNA) Then I found a marriage license for a Dorcus Smith and
Jacob Best in Warren County but it was long before Joseph’s Darcus was
born. So I could not help but wonder who
this woman was. Ironically the last name “Best” stuck out like a neon sign
since Mary Ann, Joseph’s 1st wife was a Best. The daughter, Darcus,
was Mary Ann’s and Joseph’s 2nd daughter. Could this be the Grandmother? Could this be Joseph’s Mother?
I had posted a message on ancestry.com about the marriage of
Jacob Best and Dorcus Smith. And sure
enough a response came back the next day.
She was the 2nd wife of James Smith, was the response. The James Smith’s who was the first person
buried in Smith Cemetery ! “Really” , I thought. How could I have forgotten that! I was the person who entered the data for the
Smiths in Smith Cemetery in Benton County a few years back but I do not
remember entering a Dorcus Smith.
I spent several years looking at the Benton County Smith data
but was unable to connect my James to it. I have several old blogs about them.
I had totally ruled out any connection between my James and the Smith’s of
Benton County! I have several other
Smith researchers that I keep in contact with. We have all freely shared what
we know. I have saved the
correspondences in my email, so it was time to review what they had shared with
me. There she was, plain as day, among the notes of other researchers. Darcus or Dorcus Williams was the 2nd
wife of James Smith, the elder James Smith who came from Darke County, Ohio to
Warren County, Indiana. Parts of Warren
County would later become Benton County, Indiana! James and his second wife, Darcus, had four
children; Joseph, Benjamin, Justice and Elizabeth…I’ll be darned…There is the
Uncle Justice too! He is the guardian
referred to in Francis Marion’s guardianship papers. I was able to find Darcus
Best and Jacob in the 1850 Federal Census and “Justin” Smith is 16 and living
with them. Next door to them are the families of Thomas Smith and
James Smith Jr.

Well, I’ll be darned!
Of course she isn’t buried in the Smith Cemetery as Darcus Smith because
she is Darcus Best! She and Jacob are
both buried there. The “Needles in the
Haystack” were right there for me to find if I just get them sorted out
There is still quite a lot for me to find out. I still do not know for sure how or where my
James Smith fits into this family but with the DNA results, there is no doubt
that he does!
So as it always is when doing this kind of research, the
answer for one questions always leads to
another new question. Was Mary Ann Best
somehow related to Jacob and his family?
Was my James a brother to Joseph or a cousin? The search continues …
Happy Hunting,