It has been a busy winter. We have been working on our kitchen and pantry. I have been painting and reorganizing. We are try to prepare for the day when we pack our house up and move. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate in seventeen years.
Winter is usually the time that I do the most genealogy work. There is too much gardening to do in the summer. It is a perfect task for cold winter nights, cruising around the internet in my PJ's and looking for new family members to get to know.
One evening last week, over a cup of tea, I decided to look for Nellie Best, my GGGrandmother and her family. I have not looked at this lineage for quite some time and as always I am once again surprised but IT. IT happens to me every time. If you just put your work away and don't look at IT for a while either you see records that you overlooked before. Or records which did not make sense before ...Or records that are all new or all of these things combined. I know that IT will happen but I am always surprised by IT again.

This week Nellie and her family emerged from an 1871 Canadian Census record. It reveals that she had brothers, Walter, Alvin, William, Harvey and one sister, Alice. Through Nellie's second marriage records, I was able to determine who her parents a few years ago but I was never able to confirm it. This week I found her parents marriage record in Canada. John L Best and Emeline Silverthorn were married on October 12, 1851 in Malahide Twp, Elgin, Ontario, Canada. They were also listed in the 1851 Canadian Census as a married couple along with many, many more Best family members. It was like hitting a jackpot! I needed the help of other Best researchers to sort the family out and there is still some questions to answer but the puzzle pieces are fitting together! There will be more on the Best family in Blogs to come. There is a lot of information to sort through and share in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
Love, Jan