A beautiful picture and a census record or two
Will help us find out who are you.
Your beautiful face with light hair and bright eyes,
I wish I could see the smile you hide.
Strong arms you will use
in loving embrace,
to welcome each child
you bring to this place.
A stately lady you seem to be,
born in Canada in 1860.
You came to Michigan,
with your family to reside.
Where you find true love
and become his bride.
On the morn of August 26, 1877,
when you are seventeen,
You marry your love,
whose name is Newton Losee
in Thetford Township, in the county of Genesee.
Your first son arrives in 1879.
He’s destine to be a Great Grandfather to me.
His name is George Stephen Losee.
Then again in 1881,
You bore another son
This one you name Edwin.
Next came Mert who joins the clan
in 1882 as you planned .
The County Birth record that I see
Records his name with a different ring,
They call him Royal. Can this be?
The boy named Mert it seems to be
That now there is son number three.
Two years go by before you see
The arrival of a daughter so tiny.
She came in 1884.
Her name is Sarah, for you to adore
Six years later in 1890
Harry arrives in the month of May.
Which means you have
five children this day.
Between 1891 and 1895,
Three more children will arrive.
First is Frank in1891,
And then it’s Grover
who will come in 1892 to you.
Then after ten long years,
A daughter arrives with many cheers
Her name is Dorothy Emaline.
With six sons and two daughters you are so blessed
There is so much happiness.
Seventeen years have come and gone,
Since you and Newton
wed that August Morn.
A few years later in 1898,
A new daughter arrives a little bit late
Her name is Gladys and she is so special.
But before the century begins anew
Another daughter arrives to bless you
In the summer of 1899,
A daughter named Verna will arrive.
Your house is full of children, you see
Ten in all in your family.
And each are all related to me!
As you can see from my little poem, Nellie is a Great Great Grandmother to me and listed with in the poem are all of her children. Newton would die before Nellie and I believe that he is buried in the Flint area. Nellie would remarry at age 66 to a man named Charles Fred Summers. She finished he life living near Lake Station, Michigan which near Clare, Michigan. County burial listings indicate that she is buried in Garfield Township Cemetery but I have not confirmed it.
I'm sorry it has been so long since I updated my blog. It had be rather hectic. I am not sure why I felt like a poem was need for this blog but...there you have it. It may not be the best of rhymes but it was written from the heart!
Have a great day! Jan